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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Slacking on the blog.

After a very long week of very long classes, I took a day off (two) from blogging, and now it is time to play catch up.

I went for my longest run yet yesterday morning. 2.5 miles! I know for most people that is not an accomplishment, but right now, if I am going to stick with this, I need to appreciate these milestones! The only breaks I took were waiting for stop lights to turn. I was definitely panting by the end, but I made it, and that is all that matters!

After my run...I relied on a few faithful friends to make me feel better.

Mixed with some oats and chia seeds, they never let me down. In terms of the peanut butter, I usually take advantage of the "grind your own" machine at the Coop, but Jeff's mom gave this to us, so I thought I would use it up! The "grind your own" peanut butter machine is one of the greatest inventions ever. You press a button and watch the peanuts grind into butter into your own recycled jar. It simply could not be fresher...unless I was grinding it by hand.

The final product...


This held me over for a while, but hunger came crawling back around 1, and Jeff and I were more than ready for a can of black bean soup.

Black bean soup is hands down my favorite soup, but I hate getting in a can because it always seems to be lacking in something. Our fix:

1/2 green pepper
1/2 onion
1 stalk of broccoli

We used up the almost bad veggies in our fridge and bulked up our soup!

Much better.

Unfortunately, this did not hold me over for long, and I had to rely on some snacks to get me through until dinner. I had a little yogurt, with banana, and jam. It did the trick.

Dinner was homemade pizza! We are living on the cheap right now. The very cheap. So not only did we make the dough, but we made the sauce too. I felt very domestic.

The dough:
2 c whole wheat flour
1 packet active yeast
1 cup warm water
1 T raw honey
1 T olive oil
1 t salt

The sauce:
3 small cloves of garlic
1 can tomato sauce
1 can tomato paste
1 T italian seasoning
1 t garlic powder
Splash of red wine
Salt and Pepp to taste

I should've taken a picture of the pizza as a whole, but I didn't think of it. I am still learning. So this was my plate, and I had one additional slice.

And dessert...

Yesterday breakfast and lunch were boring, so I will spare you. But, dinner, dinner was great! It was on the creative side, because, again, we are living on the cheap. In our fridge, we had eggplant, mushrooms, tomato, leftover pizza sauce, and leftover cheese.

We made eggplant lasagna! It was incredibly simple and incredibly good. I sliced the eggplant lengthwise, each slice roughly a quarter of an inch, and laid the in a sauced casserole dish. Then, I layered roma tomatoes, shroomies, more sauce, and cheese. One more layed of eggplant and sauce. Into the over it went (preheated to 400 degrees). After roughly 15 minutes, I pulled it out, sprinkled a little cheese on the top, and threw it back in the oven until the cheese melted, about 4 minutes.

We made some asian sweet potato fries to go with it, and I threw a couple carrots on our plates for a few more veggies.

Not the prettiest meal, but so good!

Lastly, dessert was a little cheese cakesplit two ways!

Woweee. That was a long one. Now, it is time to start my day and not fall behind on blogging!

Have a good day!

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