About Me

Monday, February 1, 2010


I knew getting out of bed this morning was going to be difficult. It shouldn't have been seeing I climbed into bed at 9:45 last night, but as expected, I was tired this morning. I planned ahead though. I put my cell phone (alarm clock) across the room so I had to get out of bed to turn it off, and I laid out my running clothes last night so I would have no excuse. The alarm went off and off I went.
This morning's run was not that painful!! For the first time, I could actually feel the progress I have made over the past two weeks. Granted, I only ran 1.5 miles, but as my boyfriend's mother told me this weekend "The first mile is the hardest." I decided from the get go that I was going to take it slow in terms of training. Whenever I've tried to "start running" in the past, I push it way too hard the first few times out, and I never do it again. So, I will go slow and hopefully stick with it.
Throughout my whole run I was thinking about the delicious bowl of oatmeal I was going to eat as soon as I got home. This is another thing about me. I love oatmeal. I really love oatmeal. Prior to my obsession with food blogs, I made extremely boring oatmeal that was made up of solely cinnamon, oats, and water. Then Kath opened my eyes. This morning, my combo looked a little something like this:

1/2 c oats
1 c water
1/2 very brown frozen banana
1 T peanut butter
1 T chia seeds
1 T flax seeds
1 T agave
Sprinkle of cinnamon
Sprinkle of nutmeg


I am trying to decide if I want to photo everything I eat. That may be starting soon. Who knows. Off to work!

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